Making you improve. El blog de NOX's blog.

Evita el coronavirus en la vuelta al pádel jugando con 4 bolas - NOX


Playing with 4 balls on court. A small act that minimizes the risk of spreading coronavirus . more

¿No puedes olvidar el pádel durante el confinamiento? - NOX

Can’t forget Padel during quarantine?

These days when we should be staying at home, being responsible and supportive, many of us feel a bit silly for pract... more

Cómo mejorar tú nivel de pádel. - NOX

How to improve your padel level

One of the secrets to padel tennis' success is that it's possible to play a game and have fun even as a beginner, pro... more

¿No sabes qué regalar estas fiestas? Regala pádel, Regala Nox - NOX

¿No sabes qué regalar estas fiestas? Regala pádel, Regala Nox

Durante las fiestas se nos presentan un sinfín de regalos que hacer: amigos invisibles, regalos de empresa… y tienen ... more

Lo que debes tener en cuenta para jugar a pádel cuando hace frío - NOX

Things you should keep in mind when playing padel in the cold

If you like to play padel even when it's cold out, and especially if you're playing on outdoor courts, you need to ta... more

Lo que debes saber sobre el overgrip de la pala de pádel - NOX

What you need to know about the padel racket overgrip

Well, now that you already have your perfect NOX racket, it's very important to add an overgrip so you have a good gr... more